Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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Please read the rules and means of payment for the services of the website. Choose between the instructions for companies and the instructions for job seekers.

Remember that when you pay for the services of the website, you must be guided by Section 4 of the Public Offer.

 For companies

Terms of payments for companies

Payments for the UzJobs website services are carried out on the basis of a contract for subscription services, which is presented on the website in the form of the contract of the public offer (i.e. public offering of services) to the potential subscribers. Contract-offer provided by the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan does not require bilateral signing and is valid in an electronic form.

The payment for the website services is considered as the unconditional acceptance of this Contract by the Subscriber.

Payment for the website services from legal entities is carried out through bank transfer, from the account of the Subscriber to the Company's account.

To effect the payment the Subscriber needs to download the contract for subscription services, fill in the details required and make a prepayment according to the contract. When carrying out the prepayment the Subscriber msut specify ID assigned to him or her by the Website system in the details-section of the payment order.

Download the contract for subscription services

Upon receiving the payment, the Administration of the website will issue and send to the Subscriber an Adhesion contract for subscription services with the signatures and the seals of the parties. The Adhesion contract is equivalent to the present contract.

Additional information about the rules of making payments:
    • The sum of prepayment is determined solely by the Subscriber, but it cannot be less than the minimum value set in the Price List.
    • After the prepayment has been transferred to the account of our company, the sum of the prepayment is showed at the account balance of the Subscriber on the website and is momentarily transferred into conditional payment units – points. Expenditures are reflected in points. Accounting for expenditures from the account on the website is maintained in points.
    • The funds of the personal account are written off automatically for: each vacancy announcement; each request of the resume contact information; for each document bought in the section of Manuals for HR officers, etc. At the same time, the funds written off from the personal account cannot be transferred back to conventional currency units. Thus, whenever the Subscriber is presented with system request on purchase confirmation, the Subscriber has to take a weighted and absolute decision.
    • Paid services for subscription services are provided to the extent of the sum of the prepayment, made by the Subscriber.
    • The subscriber may familiarize themselves with the data on the expenses of their account balance in section "Transactions".
    • When the Subscriber's account balance drops below the minimum value set in the Price List, the rendering of the services is blocked. Restoration of access is made through replenishing account balance on the basis of the following prepayments.

For more information, please contact the website administration: +998 90 911-51-95

Personal account



  About the project
User Agreement
Public offer
  Price List
How to pay?
  Manuals for HR officers

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